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Is there a way to cheat in more Bonus Points?

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You can just farm them in camp quest, though it's take some time


Any plans for a furry character or two


Not against it but I haven't planned any atm.

Dunno if it's intentional but, Faelis Flirt skill overides the first skill with it's next rank. Which is fine. But it does the same thing as Flirt 1.

How do i put the game on full screen?

Should be the F4 key.

Are u thinking of making it avalivable on android?

I'm not able to do it unfortunately.  The only way to play it would be to use wine as shown in the install instructions.

Bug(?) on the latest version! With 4 allure, yin magic only give +2 lust to Theo or Melorn ; while it give the +4 bonus to others

Looking into it.

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- is there a way to hide the text box (renpy-like) ? the picture are often hidden behind these, which makes me want to hide these to take a peek

- Does lust on the main protagonist does anything? If no, it would be nice for them to not appear as a target of lust raising things.

- Is there any way to change the "skip current dialogue" to another key ? I do love my ability to skip a scene i've already seen, but I have the muscle memory of using space to progress through dialogue normally (which... work on pretty much every rpg maker and renpy game you could play, afaik), so it's annoying as heck to press the space key to see the next line of dialogue and have the entire scene skipped

- (not yet done with current content so I may have missed bigger difference later in the game) What are the differences between the futa & male route ?
I do assume only the main story event and the character sprite are changed - and the rest of the event are kept as-is ; which is fine, even if would like the pronons to be correctly set for the futa route (ex: cass 20 use male based pronoun "him" and "master" ; and it's not the only place i've saw that in a lot of early event you can replay, or keep for after you can transform)
Edit: and just after posting this, i've checked Joseline 20, which does really seems to be written for female/futa's MC. This may be a bug in cass route then?

- And more of a feedback than a question: the rythm of the middle part of the game (post transformation) was pretty off ; it felt bad to have to do multiple chapter in a row, without the ability to get back to the base and save/check the thing you wanted to check. I personally think keeping the structure "do one chapter > get to the base" would be better here too.

Thanks for the report. Still looking into some of these issues.

(environment : linux/running the game through wine)

While updating from 8.2 to the latest version, Game.exe fail to launch because it's missing steam_api.dll

It seem to be related to the game engine intself, and an upate to SRPG engine should fix it, I think :

(a downgrade instead, to not force to have that api would be even better in my book, but i'm not sure it is doable)


Uploaded a fix ^^b

Thanks ! Works as intended now

hey mind giving me a hint how you managed to get it to run with wine? Are you going through proton/steam?

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I'm not doing anything special, just runing the game from a terminal (something like  `wine Game.exe`) ; with the default wine included in my distro (I'm using Nobara, which come with wine-9.7 staging)

dang that doesn't work for me, must be my distro or something. But thanks anyway :)

(5 edits)

Hiya! Not a game breaking bug or nothing. But after updating to the newest patch the new three scenes that were added don't exit at the end and required me to quit out of the game to get out of them.

Edit: Oh! Also Cassandra's doesn't list that it's her (20) scene.

Edit 2: Fiddled around some more. Joseline's scene plays fine. And the menu options are still apparently working in the background even if the screen is stuck in the scene for Cassandra and Daniella (Daniella's actually gets stuck on a black screen while Cassandra's gets stuck on an interior background). So I was able to get out by accidentally starting the pocket dimension.

Edit 3: All of my memory scenes are gone except for the newly added scenes


I feel really stupid but I have no idea on how to transform Liam to move on from chapter 11. Can anybody tell me.

Sorry for the late response, but you need to have transformed another person other than Liam to TF him. You can check the conditions by looking at the description of their lust stat.

Really? My entire party has transformed except for him. Do I need to reload a save?

Well once you trigger his event he should leave your army, then only after Ch 11 will his TF happen.


Having found this by complete accident I'm pleasantly surprised by the story and found myself invested in characters I initially didn't like. I'm happy to say I like this game and am eager to see the progress you make.

Weird question but how do i full screen the game?


On 0.82 and Chapter 7. I upgrade Tec to 1 and I can do 1 mission. Upgrade to level 2 and I can't send out a second mission. Am I supposed to wait an extra chapter for it to work? Just to note I had originally first played this game on 0.811 and I had gone with fresh saves for 0.82.

Yes, once you've sent out a mission you have to complete a chapter before you can send out another one.

What does leveling Tec do then? I had assumed that each level gave an extra mission slot. Is it a matter of leveling enough to increase the rewards?

Its bugged at the moment, I'll be releasing the fix in the next update.

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Got a rather... odd bug (v0.82)? Been testing my issues with using multiple slots, and it seems like it might be character specific, rather than anything else.

Scenario; I'm redoing everything, currently on chapter 9 with everyone unlocked and TFed. Here's my results when selecting to send people on a mission:

Alice - dialog ends immediately after asking for another character

Phireina - after asking for next character, dialog displays realm info notice instead, then exits.

Joseline - dialog ends immediately after asking for another character.

Norn - dialog ends immediately after asking for another character.

Everyone Else - dialog asks to send another character on a mission, followed by asking to chose a character to send on a mission, then redirects to character selection dialog. So everyone else works correctly.

I've found the issue.

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Is there an issue with missions? On sending someone on a second mission, they seem to get stuck and don't come back.

Seems to be happening on chapter 7-8, haven't tested after that. Kind of annoying honestly, Chapter 7's one of the missions you can't deploy everyone on.

Just uploaded a fix for this.

(1 edit)

Thanks. Seems to be working now. How many slots can you get? I'm at chapter 10, and have Lv.4 technique. So I assume that should mean I have 4 slots? Don't know if it's just a problem with the UI, but I seem to only be able to send 1-2 people on missions. The UI seems to occasionally skip sending the second person when using clicks, and stops asking after the second person.

Edit: or are slots more a function of progress in the story, not so much technique levels? Early on you seem to only have one slot, regardless of level, but later chapters seem to allow the full 4 characters.

First off: thank you for the great game.

Some feedback in regards to gameplay:

1. 1-2 range weapons are IMO op. Being able to counter almost all enemies when attacked is superior to most other options. This becomes especially pronounced after unlocking the steel shop, where you can buy javelins and handaxes, making sword-only, bow-only and sword/bow characters quite weak in comparison. I would suggest to either remove 1-2 range weapons entirely or to give every weapon group similiar access to such weapons.

2. Movement is such a strong stat especially in timed missions, that I almost always pick the prestige class with more movement. This results in a feeling of disappointment, when I feel like the choice offered isn't a choice at all. This becomes especially appearant with classes like Holy Knight and Valkyrie, where I would miss out on 1 movement for 3 instead of 2 weapon groups. I would either suggest making weapon groups far more important in combat or equalizing movement between prestige classes or offer more impactful skills for the classes with less movement. Something like the Snipers additional range is good enough to miss out movement IMO.

3. I would love to see more variety in terms of prestige classes. IIRC there are 3 pairs of characters that have the same class and therefore the same prestige classes available. Paired with my previous point, this makes me feel like I'm having clones in my roster. I would love unique classes for everyone but even having better reasons to diversify the classes would be enough for me.

4. I would prefer a more equalized character progression. Start with a base class, be able to convert at 10 into a prestige class and give at best every class a choice between prestige classes. I also quite like the system of Neotare Tactics, where 20 is the level cap but the prestige class starts at level 1 again, giving the player motivation to grind out the base class to 20 and turning it then into the prestige class instead of either turning asap or grinding the base class until level 30 for higher stat growth.

5. The Kunoichi's stealing Ability feels pointless to me. Maybe I'm using it wrong, though. Maybe turning it into a passive chance to steal the enemies weapon might be a more satisfying solution.

6. Turning Tishy into a Berserker gives her a male model in the game

Thanks for the feedback. I'll think about revamping the classes in the future with other traits and abilities.

Thanks for considering it. If you want it, I could leave another wall of text with specific ideas for the classes (and other balancing factors).

kinda stuck in the settings, how do I get out of them

x key or right click on mouse.


From what I see above the characters could look more different.


Well that's what you get when you use AI instead of actually designing your characters

Does anyone know if there is a way to play this game on an emulator? and if so what is the name of the emulator. 

Note: the emulator must be one that makes a PC game run on Android.

Is this game or will it be for android????? And if not, do you have plans to make it for Android.

Not possible with my abilities unfortunately.


I was using the nuke a lot to get through the story since after a while the game's combat gets a little tiring, at least for me, but I ended up getting stuck in Holy Seres because the NPCs weren't dropping the key, you have to kill them naturally no nuke or am I doing something wrong?

The nuke doesn't count as a weapon so you will have to either buy keys or use a thief to unlock the doors.


Is there a way to grind levels/BP/money? If not will there be?
I really like the concept of this game.

There are side quests you can do through the quests tab in base. They become available at different points in the game.

Can't change the name because I can't remove the original name

Right click or x will delete characters.

Should Latacia have a skill? Because when i transform him i don't get any unique skill

They should already have their skill even before the tf.

How because i only get the unite after tf

They get their skill as a male due to story reasons. (sure kill)

Really i din't get it?

Deleted 347 days ago

Nevermind, I thought you were talking about another character. Latacia doesn't get a unique skill but instead has other unique abilities linked to their weapons.

Hi, love the game so far. I keep encountering this bug when I use the Aphrodisiac event that Laecia/Liam's Lust keeps going down to 0, every time I use the event on her or another character.

Sorry, I'll upload a fix for it soon.

I'm doing chapter 18, ..when I enter the throne room, Matias appears, instead of red. So I can't complete because I can't defeat him.

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When I start Chapter 19 after patching the game and loading a save after Chapter 18, it immediately says after the title map have loaded and that its the end of current content

New patch should fix it.

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 I move my save file to the newest version, and I cannot move the cursor to edge of the screen in chapter 13.

Fixed in new patch.

how to make the mc female?

Requires you to reach chapter 12.

During the battle in chapter 18, I need to defeat Matias, but after opening all the rooms, I found only Faolan. How do I get through this stage?


You have to enter the throne room for him to appear.

Thank you very much


I understand male route but what does Female(Futa) mean?Can you choose between being fully female or futa? If not it wouldn't it make more sense to just list it as futa?


Fully female but can use magic to become futa.

mobile/mac ever?

Ports to mobile/mac aren't possible for this game system.

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Maybe this is a stupid question but how i patch the game?

Overwrite your game files with the patch files. If there are any issues then you can try downloading the full game and transferring the environment.evs and save files to the newer version.


thanks for the instructions and for creating such a good game.

Quick question, Do you intend to make a android port in the near future?

Sorry, I won't be able to create a port for other systems any time soon.

I am not sure if it is because I am using an older save file (from 0.393), but I noticed an odd occurrence upon finishing chapter 13, several of my characters seem to have their levels, items, and classes reset {not their xp}, not all of them mind you, which makes this all a bit odd, additionally some were even locked out of reclassing and are stuck in their base class; 

Saves from before v0.40 are probably incompatible, I've added instructions and a save with progress up to chapter 10 instead, not really the best work around but its the best I can do.

Thank you for the quick reply, and the solution; it might not be a favorable one, but I can always try to recreate my save using the file from level 10, as strangely all my characters are fine for chapter 13, but immediately after is when the strangeness hits, so I can use a save editor to clone my characters stats over


Quick question, how did you create the weaponreaver skills, I'm working on an srpg as well, and I really want to implement that weapon type, but I can't seem to find it either through plugin or just what already exists


I actually don't have the proper reaver skills implemented right now, but I was planning to later.
This add-on apparently is supposed to do it though,


okay thanks!

dosen´work for Mac right?

(1 edit) (+1)

Requires Wine (in the installation details) otherwise no unfortunately.

È possibile riprodurlo su Android?

Android isn't supported unfortunately.

Ok thanks for the help:'( I'll wait if one day it comes out on Android 

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I bought a nuke in the lust shop but I can't find it anywhere in my menu. What.

How do you use it?

Anyways nice game.

EDIT: nevermind i found it.


make compatible with android please

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