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I was using the nuke a lot to get through the story since after a while the game's combat gets a little tiring, at least for me, but I ended up getting stuck in Holy Seres because the NPCs weren't dropping the key, you have to kill them naturally no nuke or am I doing something wrong?

The nuke doesn't count as a weapon so you will have to either buy keys or use a thief to unlock the doors.


Is there a way to grind levels/BP/money? If not will there be?
I really like the concept of this game.

There are side quests you can do through the quests tab in base. They become available at different points in the game.

Can't change the name because I can't remove the original name

Right click or x will delete characters.

Should Latacia have a skill? Because when i transform him i don't get any unique skill

They should already have their skill even before the tf.

How because i only get the unite after tf

They get their skill as a male due to story reasons. (sure kill)

Really i din't get it?

Deleted 354 days ago

Nevermind, I thought you were talking about another character. Latacia doesn't get a unique skill but instead has other unique abilities linked to their weapons.

Hi, love the game so far. I keep encountering this bug when I use the Aphrodisiac event that Laecia/Liam's Lust keeps going down to 0, every time I use the event on her or another character.

Sorry, I'll upload a fix for it soon.

I'm doing chapter 18, ..when I enter the throne room, Matias appears, instead of red. So I can't complete because I can't defeat him.

(2 edits)

When I start Chapter 19 after patching the game and loading a save after Chapter 18, it immediately says after the title map have loaded and that its the end of current content

New patch should fix it.

(1 edit)

 I move my save file to the newest version, and I cannot move the cursor to edge of the screen in chapter 13.

Fixed in new patch.

how to make the mc female?

Requires you to reach chapter 12.

During the battle in chapter 18, I need to defeat Matias, but after opening all the rooms, I found only Faolan. How do I get through this stage?


You have to enter the throne room for him to appear.

Thank you very much


I understand male route but what does Female(Futa) mean?Can you choose between being fully female or futa? If not it wouldn't it make more sense to just list it as futa?


Fully female but can use magic to become futa.

mobile/mac ever?

Ports to mobile/mac aren't possible for this game system.

(1 edit)

Maybe this is a stupid question but how i patch the game?

Overwrite your game files with the patch files. If there are any issues then you can try downloading the full game and transferring the environment.evs and save files to the newer version.


thanks for the instructions and for creating such a good game.

Quick question, Do you intend to make a android port in the near future?

Sorry, I won't be able to create a port for other systems any time soon.

I am not sure if it is because I am using an older save file (from 0.393), but I noticed an odd occurrence upon finishing chapter 13, several of my characters seem to have their levels, items, and classes reset {not their xp}, not all of them mind you, which makes this all a bit odd, additionally some were even locked out of reclassing and are stuck in their base class; 

Saves from before v0.40 are probably incompatible, I've added instructions and a save with progress up to chapter 10 instead, not really the best work around but its the best I can do.

Thank you for the quick reply, and the solution; it might not be a favorable one, but I can always try to recreate my save using the file from level 10, as strangely all my characters are fine for chapter 13, but immediately after is when the strangeness hits, so I can use a save editor to clone my characters stats over


Quick question, how did you create the weaponreaver skills, I'm working on an srpg as well, and I really want to implement that weapon type, but I can't seem to find it either through plugin or just what already exists


I actually don't have the proper reaver skills implemented right now, but I was planning to later.
This add-on apparently is supposed to do it though,


okay thanks!

dosen´work for Mac right?

(1 edit) (+1)

Requires Wine (in the installation details) otherwise no unfortunately.

È possibile riprodurlo su Android?

Android isn't supported unfortunately.

Ok thanks for the help:'( I'll wait if one day it comes out on Android 

(1 edit)

I bought a nuke in the lust shop but I can't find it anywhere in my menu. What.

How do you use it?

Anyways nice game.

EDIT: nevermind i found it.


make compatible with android please

Why do I keep making the same mistake? Trained Gabriel Ch 10 and saved by habit instead of checking if he kept his levels.

I might just make the lvls transfer at this point...

It definitely would be appreciated. Since he's such a low level and required for the chapter I always end up leveling him up by habit.


Really liking the game to be honest, but the Ai art is quinda off sometimes.

Sucks that I'm a Mac user. This looks cool.


I'm not really into TG (I'm bisexual, it's turning one thing I like into another thing I like) but I'm into TF and something about the idea of a Fire Emblem style game where you feminize your companions really seems compelling! Like, the permanent consequences, the high stakes being leveraged to bolster or pivoted to become the permanent transformation, corruption of the compatriots you rely on... it's a deliciously diabolical concept!

If there's breast expansion, futa, and pregnancy, those are great bonuses!


FT is very much there (gock galore!) and pregnancy content is being added come version 6.0 onwards as well.


I have begun my second run of this game, doing my best to be more efficient with the knowledge I gained from my first. Honestly should be playing on hard with how seriously I'm taking this but whatever.

Noah has managed to reach level 13 at the end of Chapter 2. He'll become a strong Swordswoman.


Very cool concept, good gameplay - difficult but very fun. The core idea is excellent. Love the concept. Would be perfect if they just feminized into trans women instead of being transformed into cis women but the feminization thing is a huge plus in general. The harem formed entirely of feminized former cis men is a thing that just doesn't get done ever and I'm here for it.

Deeply enthusiastic about future updates.

(3 edits) (+2)

TG Emblem 0.481, if i’m manage to get Alice Lust to 30 by start of chapter 8 and choose movement +1 her EXPx1.5 talent will vanish after chapter complete. Is it intentional? Also, I’m seem unable to trigger Alex Hit N’ Run talent.

Late reply, but this is now fixed. It was a bug where realm missions were deleting skills.


this game is great. I love fire emblem and I love the idea. Keep it up. My only suggestion is that the dark magic abilities are animated as explosion magic so I'd changed that. Besides that it's awesome! 


You're doing a fantastic job with these updates. Keep up the great work! 

My only suggestion is that it would be wonderful if you could name/rename the main character.

May be possible.


If I make the main character female, can the companion be futanari?


there are more than one futa companions besides the main char.


When are you able to turn into a futanari?


ch 12

that long?


It wont be that long compared to the total length of the game which will probably go to at least 30 chapters.
Chapter 11 is a story chapter as well.

why is the nuke gone now? it was there before the 0.461 patch but now its gone. i tried starting over from the beginning but then i cant even access the shop from the base at all, and previously */repeatable  events arent even showing up in the first place.

Im going to try deleting everything and redownloading the game to start from scratch, but i refuse to play if i dont get to use a magic nuke.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'll add ways to reobtain the nuke if it somehow disappears. This time it was probably due to the save compatibility measure. Shop should become available after visiting the pocket realm.

Have a very strange glitch occuring during Chapter 8.

For some reason it seems like whenever I kill something with a crit, Alice randomly vanishes/dies.

I've varied my moves a couple of times and have two seperate instances where I've crit killed something and she disappeared.


Should be fixed in the next update in 1-2 days.


Thanks. Also, now this isn't a bug but something funny that happened during my first playthrough.

Spent the entirety of chapter 1 grinding Liam to level 20 and promoted him. You know the punchline.


Did you really manage to do this???


Yes, got him to level 20 via dodge tanking for thousands of turns. Used him as a dodge tank for Chapter 2 to safely bait enemies into my range. Promoted him on Chapter 3 and just let him fight everything he could reach, and just let him deal with the fliers in Chapter 5. Then I did his event Chapter 6.

I was understandably terrified that I wouldn't be able to beat the last chapter of this version.


I cannot for the life of me figure out how to trigger the tf events. I have a party member at 10 lust but can't find anything to actually transform them. Can someone please help?

(1 edit) (+1)

If you are trying to TF Liam, he needs someone else to be TF'ed to activate his event. You can check the TF requirements by looking at the description of their variable (except for Liams which I have fixed in the next update).


I found that out when I started a new file and was able to tf Nolan. Thank for the help anyway. I am however having trouble using the nuke item. I bought it from the shop but can't find it anywhere in order to use it.


It should be in your stock/storage, accessible in base or using ilmeros


Thank you. This was very helpful

(1 edit) (+1)

Neat game, more gameplay than porn.

Mhh some off the characters are way better characters in the intermediate transformation. IMHO. The person looking into a mirror, the mirror holder, the axe wielder, the “sister” are all pushed a bit to far. Making them more similar and less unqiue characters compared to the rest of the cast when their transformation is complete. Yes that makes sense overall with the final part of the “plot”, it just feels like wasted potential. It would be lovely if you could come up with some excuse for people to revert the state they felt the best in (e.g. axe wielder non complete transformation).

Also, please give the enemies used weapons which last less long. Sometimes i started grinding where by cheesing with healing i had a LVL 20 upclassed main character by chapter 4 or 5. Enemies having 40+ attacks each giving me an xp caused me to grind the fuck out of this game. Even worse if combined with healing: De-equip some character, put them in range of one enemy, heal every round with main character allows you to turn burn through staffs super easy. 600 Gold = 3.3 Level ups. I don’t think you can easily change the XP formula of healing to heal min(damage_restored/2,11) so just giving enemies weapons which break more quickly would cut that abuse i put myself through down a lot.


A bit of a late reply but there'll be a considerably larger amount of scenes added for each character along with other more interactive elements for playing around with the characters.

Not late and very welcome.

how do i play game its note a file it just shows a doc for me?

did you unpack the download using winrar or 7zip?

i just did it from itch


can the MC be a futa? i prefer to play as a futa and not a male


Yes please! I did contribute what I could for now, but I surely would contribute more at full price (20 USD for example!) if that was made so. Whatever be the case, a most excellent project and my thanks for all your efforts.

(1 edit)

A guide or walkthrough for designing a game through SRPG engine would also be real nice if that is something our dear leader is ever willing to entertain making. I bought a license to make such a thing, but its real daunting...


will there be futa ? 


There already is futa, let me add that to the description.



how do I put it in full screen mode?

The game engine only lets me set that option for everyone at once.


Fullscreen : F4



It's awesome to see how quickly this game is being completed!

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