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I hate the fact that I missed some camp dialogue just because I forgot and went to the next chapter is there a way to view them?

Is there a way to get this to work on Joiplay?

Hello. I'm on my second run of this game now, and I was wondering. Is there any dialogue differences after changing Ilm into a boy, or girl. Or, do they both have exactly the same text?

You can find about the event after Ch.11.

Before that, the playing is same only as a boy.


How much of this is AI?

Thank you for this game I enjoyed it a lot. is it possible that we can have an artbook because I find the designs of the characters and the places well done

Hi I just found the game I love the idea. I use the whiskey app to play it there I am on Mac. I hope you are ok with that: it seems to work just the the beginning text doesn´t seem to show up but when in game characters are talking it shows and the music stutters and are you supposed to not change your name since there isn´t a delete option to write my own name then why are you offering this option? still thanks for this amazing game I am sure it will be

Just downloaded the new version and the save since I somehow lost my old save, but the characters are apparently glitched. 

Names and models are all still the starting males, but dialogue and lust events have them pop up with the game referring to them by their changed names, but it still shows the male sprite.

Campfire dialogue is a weird mix; sometimes it keeps the old name and sprite, sometimes it doesn't, but in the menus it's all still men.


did you start from the beginning or from a save?

Like I said, I used the save you provided, as I lost my saves

(2 edits)

Minor bug, Ored doesn't seem to take the bonus lust from Yin Magic, went from 5 to 7 instead of the +5 that is supposed to happen. Camp-wide bonus applied fine, and I don't have the bonus points to test if Aphrodisiac bonus applies correctly.
Edit: happens with Theo and Mel as well and Aphrodisiac bonus is also applied properly
I'm on ch15 v0.22.1.7

(1 edit)

Sorry I've found the issue, thanks for reporting it.

working now, thanks for your hard work

Any way to port this to android?

Not atm, I wouldn't be able to do it.

Buenas. Este juego al principio me gustaba mucho. Pero después de ver eventos como: Ored - Regret, Theo - Values,  Elsie20, el juego dejo de gustarme. Por eso yo recomiendo que eventos de este tipo tengan otra alternativa en que se destaque al protagonista y no contenga contenido NTR. Respóndeme si puedes para saber si voy a seguir jugando este juego o no,


The Allen tutorial keeps breaking for me now, I beat his first appearance and then nothing happens, he's just gone.

the same happens to me bro by the way do you have advice I expected a chilling tg game but it surging complex I don´t know how to turn everyone in just 11 missions. don't get me wrong its a fantastic game but considering something like this I am a noob

You can repeat the pirate mission in the realm tab (idk when it unlocks but i think around mission 6 or so) and just grind it with nuke if you need it. You can gain infinite gold and bonus points from that. That way you can transform anyone you havent yet with the aphrodisiac option 

idk if i'm doing something wrong or if the game is bugging out, but i've tried multiple times at the end of chapter 12 to stay male and it's not working. i get the scene where the MC does what's necessary to stay male, but then every time the scene where he gets turned into a girl plays immediately afterwards.

Sorry I'll fix it now, thanks for reporting this.

thanks i appreciate the quick response.
however, i've downloaded v0.20.3 and the game won't open. every time i try i get this error message

getting the same

You've probably gotten this question a bunch already, but...

I downloaded the zip file and then extracted it, but it won't launch. Is there something I'm missing, or am I just outta-luck?

maybe you need the environment.evs file as well (if you're missing it)?

(1 edit)

i downloaded them, and I added them to the main folder as well. Still no launch.



First time copying my save from an older version of the game to a new one. The new scenes for character we already had(Laecia,Gloria) doesn't want to show up in the Lust event(60 Lust Status)

If use Memories switch to re-unlock the old events, the new event's for old characters show up but I can't ply them

Not really clear on the issue, did you transfer the environment.evs file while updating the game?

I just copied the saves . If I unlock all the memories at the info/help section(since all the old ones I unlocked weren't there anymore) I see there are new ones for  Gloria, Mavis Faelies and  Laecia. Those events doesn't show up in the lust events tab even though I have the correct amount of Lust status and if I click on them in memories they just make the normal click sound the game has. All the old memories from the previous builds still work I can replay them as well as the ones for the new characters 

Yeah those events are from the patreon version so you won't be able to access them yet.

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